My son told me he had made my bed for me.
I went into my bedroom to see this!

He brought his blue top sheet from his bed & every stuffed sea animal he owns & “made my bed”…
Into a SEABED! I only have myself to blame for these little punny buggers that live in my house.
The big lobster/crawdad was his first lovey. His dad gave it to him the day he was born & he used to teethe on its antennae. The wee lobster is a Ty Teenie Beanie from McDonalds that we tracked down so his lobster could have a tiny friend.
The sea turtle is from our trip to Orlando. The blue turtle he won at the county fair.
The manatee is actually mine & named Hugh. OH THE HUGH MANATEE!
The two fish are actually famous sturgeon, Herman the Sturgeon. He picked them up at Bonneville Dam & Fish Hatchery, which is a must-do stop if you’re traveling along the Columbia River east of Portland, OR for any reason.
I got a pretty good chuckle out of my son’s shenanigans.